So today i sat down with this lovely yet dedicated creative developer that goes by the name of Ravenistica,
Which i must say i enjoyed sitting down with and seeing her views | opinion on things. She has a new clothing out her catalog so viewers please make sure to check them out linked below...
CityFamous: So where does your inspiration come from when creating your products?
Ravenistica: Well, w. many different modern fashion styles cominq toqether in the makinq. I thouqht to just keep it oriqinial and satisfy everyone's taste. My inspiration i would say, comes from different fashions. I wouldn't have one in particular. because i'm very versatile. I chanqe fashions like every season. haha. It's nice to try new thinqs ya know?
CityFamous: x] agreed, I must say i am very pleased with your products and different veriaty of style you have put on the table yet. Speaking of which, Is there any pieces in your products that you would wear in real life? If so which product in particular?
Ravenistica: Riqht. ^_^ thank you. hmmm. Definitely the shorts and stockinqs. like the shorts i have on now. They are definitely in style atm, soo yeah, id rock them faithfully. :)
CityFamous: Oh yes that sexy vintage style is definately IN this season. and i must say i love this new line you have yet put out must of took time, and I know Time and effort Is efficient when creating... But what inspires you to spend all your time making a product look soo good?
Ravenistica: Well, i feel that people imvu qoo in the cataloq lookinq for what looks "realistic" you know? They wouldn't want to waste credits on clothinq that doesn't have no type of detail. These are real people here, I feel that developers make what a person would buy in their own clothinq stores at home. And i think about the simple details that my clothinq actually has, like the studs on this shirt, or the lace. Everythinq, detail by detail. That is EXACTLY what makes a qreat developer and keeps ur buyers cominq back for more. Aha. ^_^
CityFamous: exactly and honestly, i'm sure alot of your supporters highly appreciate you for taking your time and effort for your creations (: But What's your opinions on the escrow?
Ravenistica: Well, it took me a minute to actually qet used to it. Like, i couldn't understand how it was qoinq to work or how it would effect my credit payments, but then i researched on it more and i fiqured out that it doesn't hurt your credits it actually betters you && avoids the risks of fraud or theft. I know there are some imvu users out there that haven't really qotten used to it, some say oh well "i'm upset that my credits haven't came in like it used to" blaah. They just have to take the time to think about how it benefits you. because it's just like reality. A job... You qet paid by the hour, and when do you see your paycheck? Every other week. It's all the same. ^_^
CityFamous: Agreed, but im glad for the first time i actually see a developer seeing the positive side of this situation instead of always... the negative.
Ravenistica: Riqht, qirl i was just like them all at first, but sometimes seeinq the positive helps you out. Can't be qreedy! haha.
CityFamous: lmaoo right? at the end they still gonna do what they please so might as well try to see the positive side effects.
Ravenistica: Exactly. :)
CityFamous: What are you Looking forward to bring to the table? (:
Ravenistica: Hmm, well for my 2012 fashions, nothinq in particular. But the fashions are definitely qoinq to tear the roof off ! I plan on doinq a couple of fashion shows w. some fellow developers if thinqs are where they're supposed to be. We'll see. :D
CityFamous: ooo yes ! i'm definately looking forward to next year fashion to see whats gonna be brong to the table in general, but MOSTLY your fashion show :D I know it will be great !
Ravenistica: haha yes m'am! always have to be put to perfection. ;)
CityFamous: :) and indeed I truely appreciate your time with us Blushchic interview*
Ravenistica: oh i DEFINITELY enjoyed myself honey ! Thanks for havinq me. ^_^
CityFamous: and it was a pleasure to have your presence around and seeing you come back again with yet another amazing clothing line <3
Ravenistica: Thanks love. <3
CityFamous: :D
Ravenistica: Well, w. many different modern fashion styles cominq toqether in the makinq. I thouqht to just keep it oriqinial and satisfy everyone's taste. My inspiration i would say, comes from different fashions. I wouldn't have one in particular. because i'm very versatile. I chanqe fashions like every season. haha. It's nice to try new thinqs ya know?
CityFamous: x] agreed, I must say i am very pleased with your products and different veriaty of style you have put on the table yet. Speaking of which, Is there any pieces in your products that you would wear in real life? If so which product in particular?
Ravenistica: Riqht. ^_^ thank you. hmmm. Definitely the shorts and stockinqs. like the shorts i have on now. They are definitely in style atm, soo yeah, id rock them faithfully. :)
CityFamous: Oh yes that sexy vintage style is definately IN this season. and i must say i love this new line you have yet put out must of took time, and I know Time and effort Is efficient when creating... But what inspires you to spend all your time making a product look soo good?
Ravenistica: Well, i feel that people imvu qoo in the cataloq lookinq for what looks "realistic" you know? They wouldn't want to waste credits on clothinq that doesn't have no type of detail. These are real people here, I feel that developers make what a person would buy in their own clothinq stores at home. And i think about the simple details that my clothinq actually has, like the studs on this shirt, or the lace. Everythinq, detail by detail. That is EXACTLY what makes a qreat developer and keeps ur buyers cominq back for more. Aha. ^_^
CityFamous: exactly and honestly, i'm sure alot of your supporters highly appreciate you for taking your time and effort for your creations (: But What's your opinions on the escrow?
Ravenistica: Well, it took me a minute to actually qet used to it. Like, i couldn't understand how it was qoinq to work or how it would effect my credit payments, but then i researched on it more and i fiqured out that it doesn't hurt your credits it actually betters you && avoids the risks of fraud or theft. I know there are some imvu users out there that haven't really qotten used to it, some say oh well "i'm upset that my credits haven't came in like it used to" blaah. They just have to take the time to think about how it benefits you. because it's just like reality. A job... You qet paid by the hour, and when do you see your paycheck? Every other week. It's all the same. ^_^
CityFamous: Agreed, but im glad for the first time i actually see a developer seeing the positive side of this situation instead of always... the negative.
Ravenistica: Riqht, qirl i was just like them all at first, but sometimes seeinq the positive helps you out. Can't be qreedy! haha.
CityFamous: lmaoo right? at the end they still gonna do what they please so might as well try to see the positive side effects.
Ravenistica: Exactly. :)
CityFamous: What are you Looking forward to bring to the table? (:
Ravenistica: Hmm, well for my 2012 fashions, nothinq in particular. But the fashions are definitely qoinq to tear the roof off ! I plan on doinq a couple of fashion shows w. some fellow developers if thinqs are where they're supposed to be. We'll see. :D
CityFamous: ooo yes ! i'm definately looking forward to next year fashion to see whats gonna be brong to the table in general, but MOSTLY your fashion show :D I know it will be great !
Ravenistica: haha yes m'am! always have to be put to perfection. ;)
CityFamous: :) and indeed I truely appreciate your time with us Blushchic interview*
Ravenistica: oh i DEFINITELY enjoyed myself honey ! Thanks for havinq me. ^_^
CityFamous: and it was a pleasure to have your presence around and seeing you come back again with yet another amazing clothing line <3
Ravenistica: Thanks love. <3
CityFamous: :D
P.S For the Viewers that are interested to see her new clothing line out here's the link
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